Building your own computer

I have always loved computers. Let me tell you a story of when I was a kid. It was the 90’s and I loved computer games. I was always pestering my parents to buy me a game, however I grew up in a no console/no computer games household. I still don’t know the reason why my parents restricted games. Anyhow, we flew to Miami for vacation one time and while I was in the duty-free I saw what my words could only describe as an immediate and unconditional thrill. There it was, in all it’s grandness, a game called Tornado.

I did not know what the game was about however by the cover of the box, it pictured two jet-fighters in a dogfight while flying around a tornado. It does not get any better than that when you are ten. I rush to my parents and I begged, I try to reason with them. I gave them many reasons of why they should buy me that game. For some struck of luck they actually did. I was the happiest kid in that state, I kid you not.

The trip ends, and we finally arrive home. I am more excited than I have ever been in my life. I open the box, read the manual, and proceed to install disk one of ten. After hours and hours of installing, the game does not work. To be honest I don’t remember the reason, either my computer specs did not meet the minimum requirement of the game or the game was corrupted. Either way, I was disheartened after all that waiting, begging and wishing. I learned two things about life that day.

  1. Always keep your receipts.
  2. Build your own computer so you can run any damn game you want.

That was my prelude to introducing my latest computer build, code name BigLeaf. This is my biggest build yet and although the system is 1 1/2 years at the time of this post, it still can run any game with the highest settings. Below is the chart of all my components.

valkyrie computer Table Components